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I specialize in empowering athletes to reach their full potential in swimming, whether it's for competitive success or improved overall health.

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About Me.

Where I Started.

I started competative swimming at age 5 in South Florida. Nothing but water everywhere there. I swam competitvely through age group swimming winning and medaling in most of my races through grade school and High School. Swimming wasn't my only sport though. I was a low handicap golfer and played on a very competative golf team. I played HS football and was trained during HS in rowing single shells (by the Olympic Gold Medalist Jack Kelly and National Champion Charlie McIntyre). Yeah, I was busy. To be sure swimming always seemed to be there for me. I had only 4 swim coaches in my Big Competitive years. In order, Jack Nelson, Wally Spence, Earl Ellis and Dick Jochums. Three of the four were US Olympic Coaches and the other is in the NW HOF along with yours truly here. I actually walked on to the U of W swim team after getting into a rif with the head rowing coach. It was an Olympic Year at the time and I was determined to make an Olympic Team. So instead of trying to make the Olympics in rowing I transitioned to my fall-back of swimming. Man Oh Man I had no idea what was coming ahead but it was pedal to the metal for me. To make a long story short I finished in 5th place at the 1972 Olympic Trials in the 100M Backstroke. Less than .6 tenths from making the team. Well, I was not done. I went on to be a National Champion in the 100M back. As well as a 12 time All American in D-1 swimming and a few top three's in the 100 yard backstroke. When I retired from the Big Time I continued to coach on the side for many years and to this day. Mostly age groupers and HS swimming. I've coached and been a part of a few Masters Clubs as a coach and swimmer. I love the technical aspect of our sport and how measuring stroke technique can have such a dynamic affect. (and don't forget about the 5th Stroke!). I also have found through my personal experience that it can extent your physical and mental persona.

My Services.

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What Customers Say.

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Jesse B

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Frank K

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Contact Me

+1 425-435-1700

Pleasanton, CA 94566

Pleasanton, CA, USA

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